Dragon Caught on Tape in China

Dragon Caught on Tape in China A man in China took footage of this giant mysterious flying creature that was spotted near the border of Laos. Many theories have emerged with some claiming the creature is a real dragon that was caught on tape and others saying it provides evidence that pterodactyls still exist. Is this a dragon or a pterodactyl caught on tape? What do you think.? China pram̆badēśayakin Mountain "dragon" in the story of a mysterious e BBC has revealed. Laos near the dragon person has been able to fly in the video how prdēśayakin mountainous China. The animal following the move to video 'dragon', but that is clearly seen, it is said that some people can not be trusted because it has a video recording mobile phone. However, the video has been viewed more than two million, is now on YouTube network. Unique location within janaprasavāda Chinese dragon.

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